Number of Aims: You need at least 2 aims but up to 4 is allowable. I think it is more common to see 2-3 aims but 4 is not unheard of. When developing these it is useful to get advice from your PI.
Underlining: To emphasize important points for your reviewer, you may consider underlining sentences (anything that helps the reviewer helps you). In the first 2 paragraphs, you may consider underlining any of your preliminary data and/or your stated hypothesis. In your aims statements, it can be helpful to highlight the goal of each aim which is usually the last sentence. The impact statement should be very brief so I usually don't underline any statements there.
Fluff: The specific aims page has a 1 page limit, but you will want to fill the whole page while remaining succint. In general, you want to make sure every single sentence is important and relevant, but it is particularly important here due to page limit. A specific aims page is definitely no place for fluff. However, this does not mean you have to worry about being redundant with information/ideas from other locations. In fact it is probably good to be redundant (within reason) across the research proposal, specific aims, abstract, and other researcch statements in your proposal to make sure that the reviewers remember what your research is about. Just make sure not to completely copy and paste. It is better to paraphrase and rewrite statments. I think writing the same thing but in different ways should also help push across your point.
Very helpful links: